Samstag, 24. Mai 2008


"Die Psychoanalyse leugnet seit jeher die Existenz sexuellen Missbrauchs an Kindern: nämlich seit 1905 Freud seine Meinung änderte und wider besseres Wissen behauptete, Frauen würden sich nicht an tatsächliche Inzesterlebnisse erinnern, sondern an ihr Verlangen nach Inzest. Die Erlebnisse wären eingebildet, phantasiert, erfunden, alles, nur nicht wirklich geschehen."

(Dumme Quelle, aber trotzdem... es ist ja auch klar, dass das die Psychoanalyse ist... (nur dürfen sie vielleicht evtl. nicht mehr so wirklich ganz direkt sagen was sie denken, obwohl irgendwie schon...)...)

Hollywood Undead - Pain

were told lies like it's truth
it's mother fu*kin mayday
they swear im fu*kin crazy
ain't nothin gonna save me
i'm breakin' i feel it
i'm naked i'm kneelin'
i'm shakin' i'm reelin'
my god i keep bleedin
I watch the world die from crimson eyes
I cry, it hurts tonight
I die, I see the light
and now i'll say goodbye
look what the world has come to
so now its time to say FCK YOU!
you think you can and they drug you
when no one is there
when they numb you
fill you with terror and crush you
but do they care as they shove you?
but everyone you look up to
is really as fcked up as you

Sonntag, 18. Mai 2008


Israblog zensiert nicht (so sehr):

Israblog is a network of blogs created to provide every person with the means to express themselves as long as it abides by the country’s laws. Our motto, ‘life is here’, refers to all aspects of life, even the more hurtful sides can be expressed here. Any person can own a blog through our system, even if their self perception is problematic or if their body fat percentage is lower than the norm.The second, and more important reason, is that we do not believe that erasing blogs will have a positive effect. On the contrary, it may be damaging. We realize that there exist other blogging platforms which erase this type of content, however we strongly believe that if we act in a similar manner, we will simply pass this ‘burning hot potato’ onwards without actually making positive change.

[…] One must remember that it is not possible to help someone with eating disorders by shutting her mouth. […]